
This song is based around the piece called "Chant" by John Tavener, and performed by Henrik Dam Thomsen on Cello. It is also one of the pieces I am playing for my performance recital which inspired my choice here. Additionally, I chose it was because of the markings, there are no bar lines or dynamics and only a rough tempo making it ideal for how I use the Kinect for playing.

There are five effects, as well as the main audio, where the intensity is controlled using my hands alongside a pattrstorage object with pre-programmed values that change throughout the song. These include:

A glitch effect made by using an assortment of mathematical operators to modify a sawtooth wave in a range of ways. This is then combined with the Cello to make a distorted output.

Using a "degrade" object on both channels of the main audio which I could then blend into the clean audio using a Dry/Wet patch that I created. The number of bits gradually decreases throughout the song changing the distortion from a small amount of saturation to a completely broken down sound.

The third effect is made up of two identical patches that I made which switch between two signal inputs at a user defined rate to created the long held notes you can hear in the piece. They are then fed through several filters, two of which are controlled by the “pattr” object, and one by the right hand Y axis.

The last is a simple bass instrument which plays a note depending if the main cello part plays above a certain amplitude.

The video of this piece is made by using two Kinects facing opposite each other to capture two180 degree point cloud matrices of me in my room which then combined and aligned to create one fully 360 degree live render. Finally, I also automated the rotation of the point cloud based on the amplitude of the music.